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Re: [ARSCLIST] My response to--Re: [78-l] Viva vinyl

--- phillip holmes <insuranceman@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Lani,
> How do you get the record centered once you've enlarged the spindle
> hole? 

Well, it's easier seen than explained, but I'll try.

First file out the center hole with a rat-tail file or reamer.

I've got a light clamped on the TT shelf that illumates the LP grooves
from behind the arm. The light is mounted at about a 30 deg angle so
that when you view the LP from the front the grooves appear as bright
and dark lines. Start the TT spinning and position the arm over a
bright set of grooves that are fairly stationary.  Using the needle for
a reference (and closing one eye) it's easy to see the grooves wobble.
Get close or use a magnifying head piece (like hobbyists use). Then
when the grooves move to the right I tap the edge of the LP to the
left. When they stop wobbling you're centered. I can do it fairly
quickly now. If they're extremely off center you may have to reream the
center hole and start again.

Hope that's clear. :-)


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