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Hey Bob
  You're memory is still very good.  Maragret does still work with the photograph section of the archives.  

Robert Hodge <rjhodge@xxxxxxx> wrote:
  You certainly won't go wrong working with Terry ! A first class
who doesn't get the recognition he rightly deserves!

And his wife Margaret is a wondefull lady too ! I seem to remember that
she is working with the Ford group as well. ( My poor memory, Sorry!

Bob Hodge

Robert Hodge,
Senior Engineer
Belfer Audio Archive
Syracuse University
222 Waverly Ave .
Syracuse N.Y. 13244-2010

315-443- 7971

>>> chontos76@xxxxxxxxx 6/12/2006 4:18 PM >>>
Terry is a great guy too...he's archivist at the Benson Ford Research
Center in Dearborn

steven c wrote: Down at the end of this post
is an e-mail I personally received from Ford
concerning the mention of the GM commercials...so SOMEONE wants them!

> This was the response I got,a number of years ago,from Ford,and
Chevy,when I offered them some old Lps from the 50s.1953 radio
commercials,aindustrial musicals,and such.Not copies,but the actual
Roger Kulp
---- Original Message ----- 
From: "Tom Fine" I ping'd GM's investor
> relations and offered to GIVE them a digi-copy for their archives.
> replied there IS NO ARCHIVES. What could be more valuable to a
> that makes its bread from advertising a somewhat generic product --
> the main point of difference is marketing -- than an archive of
> so today's attention-challenged marketers might learn from past
> and mistakes? But, alas, very few companies have any corporate
> One big exception is Coca-Cola, BTW, which has a paid corporate
> If GM does have an archive or a historian and the investor relations
> people -- to whom most random e-mails are funneled -- do not know
> it, then that's totally dysfunctional.
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Terry Hoover" 
Sent: Monday, June 12, 2006 9:42 AM
Subject: GM Ads

Hi Steven, My name is Terry Hoover and I'm the archivist at The Henry
Ford Museum in Dearborn Michigan. A fellow archivist sent me your post
regarding the GM material. Since we have a large collection of
automotive material we would be interested in providing a good home
your commercials. We have some later video GM commercials but nothing
early as the ones you have discovered so they would be a nice addition
for our researchers. Let me know if you haven't placed them yet.

Have a good day.

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