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[ARSCLIST] eBay Listing : Rauland 1960 Tube Power Amp/PA Vintage 1950's

The amp can be found here.http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ih=010&item=200003130866&rd=1&sspagename=STRK%3AMEWA%3AIT&rd=1 Is anybody here familiar with this thing ? 
  I have one,that needs some minor work,and I was wondering if it had any merit for serious listening.I have had it sitting in a closet for years,(Ever since I stole it from an abandoned roller rink,some homeless guys broke into.)and have not found anyone willing to work on it,as everbody says they have never heard (of) it,so therefore it must be junk.Emails to vintage audio sites,have illicited similar responses.It appears to be an amp,and preamp,in one,what they call an intergrated amp,nowadays,I guess.While I'm at it,I have one of those Hewlett-Packard oscillators,of WWII vintage,identical to those used on "Fantasia".(Twenty bucks at the flea market,in 2002.)This has Western Electric amp inside,as well as functioning WE tubes.Is there a WE model amp, comparable to this unit,and what would it be ? Roger Kulp

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