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Re: [ARSCLIST] Mercury co-founder Irving Green passes

Dave,I find this facinating.As one of those with "limited interest",the classical record(ing)s I listen to were mostly done,between 1925,and 1965.Classical radio,a dying sector of the broadcast market,itself a dying industry,thanks to web downloads, tends to forget there were even recordings made,before the mid 80s,or so.So how do you get away with playing stuff like mono Mercury ? (Many of which,I prefer to the stereos... the heresey! )
   I do not own a car,so I have often had to carry my thrift shop/flea market purchases with me,when I go from digging for vinyl/shellac,to the supermarket,etc. .)On one such occasion,I ran into the morning guy,since canned/"retired",from the local classical station.He started a conversation,and confirmed my suspicions,that the corporate owners of the station,refused to allow any pre-digital recordings to be played,because they said it was bad for ratings,and it was an unstated policy,to program/push new recordings.Something about they weren't there to expose people to the best recordings/performances,just to provide pleasant background music,to keep the sponsors happy.
   So how do you pull this off ?
    Roger Kulp

David Lewis <davlew@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
  Dave Lewis:

Well, I may represent the "limited interest" faction, but I was certainly
waiting to see certain Hanson recordings come along - mainly Griffes' Kubla
Khan, the Loeffler and Sessions' "Black Maskers." To this day, I keep a reel
tape version on hand of "Maskers" just so if I want to program it on my
radio show, I can make a transfer. I would have thought these things,
although monaurally recorded, considerable to make the "cut," but umusic, I
guess, knows better than me, a mere consumer and (god forbid!) critic.  David N. Lewis
Assistant Classical Editor, All Music Guide

My life is the clearest proof that if you have talent, determination and
luck, you will make it in the end: Never Give Up. - Sir Georg Solti

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