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Re: [ARSCLIST] Library of Congress/NAVCC digital preservation infrastructure

Last February I posted a link to an online article in Enterprise Storage Forum regarding the Library of Congress RFP to build the digital preservation storage archive for the Library's new National Audiovisual Conservation Center in Culpeper, Virginia. This contract has now been awarded and Enterprise Storage Forum has published a new article that provides information on the winning bid and describes the components of the system that will be built. The article can be found at: 


Gregory Lukow

>>> gluk@xxxxxxx 02/17/06 4:18:44 PM >>>
ARSCLIST list members may be interested in the link below to a web article that describes the computer server and storage infrastructure for the digital preservation system being built for the Library of Congress National AudioVisual Conservation Center in Culpeper, Virginia. Embedded in the article is another link to the actual RFP through which the Library's IT department is seeking to procure this system. At the time of the Center's opening in early 2007, the Library will have innaugurated a new program in which all its sound recordings and videotape collections will be reformatted to preservation-quality digital file only and and archived within this system. A program to digitally preserve selected film collections (primarily 16mm B&W material, kinescopes, etc.) will follow within a few years.


Gregory Lukow, Chief
Motion Picture, Broadcasting & Recorded Sound Division
The Library of Congress
Phone: 202-707-5840
Fax:  202-707-2371

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