Dylan was found by John Hammond.The same guy who had previously discovered
Benny Goodman, Bessie Smith,Count Basie,Billie Holiday,and Pete
Seeger,amoung others.Columbia Records pretty much respected his
judgement,by 1961,and pretty much gave him carte blanche to sign whoever
he wanted.
As for Nirvana,many people do not realize A) Kurt Cobain was quite the
record collector,and student of rock history.Pull up a list of the songs
he recorded,by other people,especially on the bootlegs.B)Nirvana were
unlike anything around at the time,but they were a real throwback,to a lot
of lesser-known bands,from the early 70s, who were combining
metal,punk,and folk-rock.
Roger Kulp
phillip holmes <insuranceman@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I agree, but it takes someone with some vision (and clout) to sign people
like Bob Dylan. I remember the first time I heard Nirvana. It was pretty
radically different than anything else on the radio. Two years later
everything sounded like Nirvana. And most garage bands sound different
the next one. But most of those bands won't get polished enough to get a
record contract.
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