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Re: [ARSCLIST] John Hammond discovered everybody, was Community Radio

In a message dated 7/18/2006 1:12:44 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time,  
thorenstd124@xxxxxxxxx writes:

Good  question.I never paid too much attention to Seeger.I mean I recognize hi
s  importantance,as a historical figure,of American dissent,but I never liked 
his  music.(I don't particularly care for folk music as a whole.)I had always 
 thought,he stuck with Folkways,for the same reason Decca dropped The  
Weavers.Meaning ,after the HUAC hearings,no other label wanted to touch him.Am  I 
correct ?
Roger  Kulp 

That is indeed the case. Moe Asch didn't care about the HUAC. In  fact, Lou 
Gottlieb of the Limeliters used to joke that Moe should have put on  his 
labels, "For the Left Only."
Cary  Ginell
Origin Jazz  Library

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