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Re: [ARSCLIST] Glitchy dats

DAT's have long been known to be prone to this.  Their life span is about 10
years.  Back at RNZ Sound Archives/Nga Taonga Korero we made a concerted effort
to get everything off DAT as fast as possible and on to CD-R.  I did about 1300
myself, but on the original machine it was recorded on.  I don't think you are
doing anything wrong at all, it is just that "DATs are Crap"!

(stationed in Hollywood, looking for a place to live and fighting the traffic!)

Quoting David Lennick <dlennick@xxxxxxxxxxxx>:

> I've been sent a load of DATs to transfer to CD for auditioning, and I find
> that a number of them dating from 1996 have glitches. I don't know if
> there's
> one brand more prone than others since I'm not monitoring consistently, but
> they do seem to turn up on Sony PDP-124s. Anyone have similar experiences?
> Any
> thoughts on whether this was a bad brand (I had problems with it myself) or
> if
> it was a matter of us not thoroughly erasing the tapes before using them or
> not
> fast forwarding or rewinding them before using them?
> dl

Marie O'Connell
Sound Archivist/Sound Engineer/Sound Consultant

Mobile: 601-329-6911

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