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[ARSCLIST] IASA Conference and the Political Situation in Mexico

On 8/18/06, Richard Green <richard.green@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Dear IASA Members, and all those planning to attend the IASA Conference in Mexico in September:

Questions have been raised about the political situation in Mexico and the
protesters currently camped out in the Plaza de la Constitución and along
the main street Reforma.  The protests by all reports, and as has been
confirmed by our hosts in Mexico and various Foreign Affairs Departments,
have been peaceful and non-violent.

The Plaza and Reforma are closed to traffic, which has not helped Mexico
City's always chaotic traffic situation.  However, the adjacent secondary
streets are open.  Pedestrians can use Reforma and the Plaza without fear
and the Metro system is running normally.  Hotels, restaurants, museums and
other tourist attractions in the area are open, though perhaps not as busy
as usual. This could be a plus.

It may mean that it will take an extra few minutes to walk from the hotels
to our conference location, and that you might have to go to a secondary
street to get a taxi, but the conference itself should not be affected.  The
airport was closed one day but it was due to the weather, not politics.

The key dates in resolving the political situation will come early in
September when departing President Fox addresses the nation, the new
Congress takes office and, on September 6, the Electoral Tribunal gives its
verdict on the election.  After that the political situation is expected to
cool down.  The transition to a free, transparent, and open democracy is not
always smooth but, I am sure you will agree, is something we all support.

Our Mexican hosts hope you will not be worried, that you can be assured
that there will be no major affect on the conference, and that you will
continue to plan to join with us in Mexico City in September.  We have a
very interesting program and some exciting related events planned.  For
conference details, please visit the web site at ***https://www.radioeducacion.edu.mx/sisins/iasa/iasa.html
* <https://www.radioeducacion.edu.mx/sisins/iasa/iasa.html>.

See you in September.

Richard Green

IASA President

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