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Re: [ARSCLIST] Concertape SSS?

I have come across a couple of backcoated Concertape 1800s (made for Radio Shack in the 1980s) that on visual inspection (letting it roll
off the reel) seem to exhibit sticky-ness (I can't play them right
now). I have not see much posted on this brand, and am curious
about others' experiences with them; and, also, if you know who
actually manufactured these tapes.

I have had several reels of Concertape come into my office for transfer over the years and all of the backcoated ones had SSS.

In the late 80s, their cassettes were made by Memorex. I don't know if Memorex was involved in their reel to reel stock or not.

Diamond Productions
Preserving the past for the future.
Dave Bradley   President

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