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Re: [ARSCLIST] SP-15 turntable question


Whenever a disc is played in reverse, as in the case of a stamper, the
tonearm tracking angle and offset must be the inverse of the offset used
for playing a completed record. The very accurate speed control of the
Sp 15 is a very desirable function to have as well. I use mine very
frequently even though I have that function on my computer 

Bob Hodge


Robert Hodge,
Senior Engineer
Belfer Audio Archive
Syracuse University
222 Waverly Ave .
Syracuse N.Y. 13244-2010

315-443- 7971

>>> clawson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx 8/22/2006 8:22 AM >>>
Doug Pomeroy wrote:
>Does anyone on this list know the modification which causes the
>SP-15 direct drive truntable to rotate in reverse?  I have the

Okay, now the big question:  why?  If you wish backward audio, this is
done much for effectively in the digital domain.  Is there another
function that you seek of which I am ignorant?


Charles Lawson <clawson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Professional Audio for CD, DVD, Broadcast & Internet

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