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[ARSCLIST] Kostelanetz

David Lennick wrote:

>It doesn't explain why Kosty's recordings were so awful in the last years 
>his life. Either he or his producer turned out overmodulated, 
>over-arranged, souped-up doses of elevator music at ear-splitting volume 
>no subtlety, no variation and very little musicality. And that goes for 
>light classical and "Proms" stuff as much as for his pop recordings. 

You can safely blame Kostelanetz. When he was working with Teo Macero at 
Columbia he often sent Teo 3 or 4-page letters with incredibly detailed 
information about the rough mixes and what he wanted changed in terms of 
equalization or editing, mastering, etc. He knew what he wanted, and got 
it. When I met Macero I asked him about this and he said Kostelanetz was 
always a big pain, and he (Macero) simply gave him what he asked for.

Matt Snyder
Music Archivist
Wilson Processing Project

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