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Re: [ARSCLIST] Non-RIAA preamp (was: WHY save as WAV's when Mp3's can do???)

This is a very interesting piece of gear. I have DC6 but have not been overly impressed with its DSP. Does anyone have experience transferring LPs flat and then applying EQ in the computer? Are you using this setup or something more ambitious? Does it sound appreciably better than a good phono preamp/cartridge combo?

-- Tom Fine

I work mostly with reel-to-reel tapes, and I don't have a non-RIAA preamp yet, nor a selection of styli. Most of what I do is preservation, but I play around with DC6 now and then. This unit seemed to be the kind of thing Big C was looking for.
On the Tracer website, they have a long article called "A new way of thinking about vinyl" which provides their reasoning for transferring flat and using their product to apply a curve.

-Matt Sohn

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