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[ARSCLIST] Fwd: IASA Mexico Conference

To IASA members, and all those who are planning to attend the IASA

Final plans for this year's conference are now in place.  There has been a
change of location for the meetings of Sections and Committees.

The Technical Committee all day session on Saturday September 9th will take
place at the Franz Mayer Museum, Hidlago Ave. 45, Historical Centre.

The meetings of Sections and Committees on Sunday September 10th will also
take place at the Franz Mayer Museum, Hidlago Ave. 45, Historical Centre.
The Registration Desk will open at 8:30.  Everyone is invited to take part
in these meetings.  They are open to all conference attendees.

The Franz Mayer Museum is close to the hotels and the main conference
location at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Other details regarding presentations, receptions, tours and the final
banquet can be found in the final conference program which is now on the web
site https://www.radioeducacion.edu.mx/sisins/iasa/iasa.html .

See you in Mexico City!


Richard Green

IASA President

Acting Manager / Gestionnaire intérimaire

Music Section / Section de la musique

Library and Archives Canada / Bibliothèque et Archives Canada

6th Floor, Office 639 / 6ième étage, bureau 639

550 Place de la Cité

Gatineau, QC K1A 0N4


Telephone / Téléphone: (819) 934-7273

Fax / télécopieur: (819) 934-7272

E-mail / courriel: richard.green@xxxxxxxxxxxxx

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