Worse yet, the .pdf format requires a copy of Adobe Acrobat Reader (admittedly downloadable for free if you go looking) in a version equal to or newer than the one used to create the file...
and you CAN'T use "Edit, Copy" to save the piece you were looking for
, because a .pdf is just a PICTURE of text...not text!
This means you have to save the entire .pdf on your HD, use Acrobat Reader to access it and manually copy the text you are interested in! This is something like making sound recordings available in a proprietary format with limited fidelity...
A REAL student (here I disqualify the vast number who attend institutions of higher learning only to attain "a degree in <X>" so they can obtain higher-paying employment with a higher social status, and usually manage to avoid learning anything except where "the party" is at...) is actually eager to learn both information (the mind can only hold so much of that) and how one accesses that information when needed!