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Re: [ARSCLIST] Underscore in file names

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Mike Richter" <mrichter@xxxxxxx>
> steven c wrote:
> > There is one obscure problem I have run across: I have two folders,
> > respectively named "My Documents" and "My Documents (Old)." When I
> > need to access one of them in an older, pre W9* program...they show
> > up as mydocu*1 and mydocu*2...so it's up to me to remember which is
> > which!
> Right - the classic problem of long and short filenames.
> There is one more point to be made: case sensitivity on the Internet. A
> Windows server is insensitive to case; Apache is sensitive. With Windows
> creating the appearance of mixed case from all upper case, there are
> many ways to fall into a trap with that.
> The issue is mixed case in a single name; Apache treats all-upper and
> all-lower as equivalent. So if you get into the habit of using
> single-case names, that failure mode shouldn't be in effect.
Programming programs (not just languages, which can exist in different
versions according to which company's version you own!) act the same
way! "Main" can equal "main" which can equal "MAIN" which can equal
"mAiN"...or not...depending on which version of the program...and
the compiler...you happen to be using!

a = A ... or, then again, maybe it DOESN'T...

But it doesn't = Å...

Steven C. Barr
(and on 78-L I can't even SEND Å...)

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