Japan.Sony inroduced them,like 1981 or so.
Roger Kulp
steven c <stevenc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: ----- Original Message -----
From: "Don Cox"
How did engineers make the first CDs, when hard drives were not big
enough to hold 600 Megs of data?
Actually, I'm not sure...but one way it COULD have been done is with
magnetic tape storage, since that was used on mainframe computers at
least in the early seventies, if not before. When I was working my
way through university as a security guard for State Farm ('74-'76)
I recall seeing carts loaded with HUGE reels of data tape...and I
have no idea what the length v. data capacity algorithm might have
been (or how many reels of tape, if more than one, would be needed
to store the digital capacity of a CD...?)
In fact, where WERE CD's introduced commercially?
Steven C. Barr
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