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Re: [ARSCLIST] Preservation media WAS: Cataloguing still :-)

Oh yeah, I think I have a pile of them stashed away in the basement. A few gems here and there, but not a lot that I would go out of my way to listen to....

Scott D. Smith

Anyone remember DBX-encoded LPs? M&K Realtime came in and did a helluva demo at the station. No point to
our taking the discs, of course, because we weren't about to spring for the decoder to play the 3 LPs
they had available, and the "normal" versions sounded just fine (Zoltan Rozsnyai conducting some good
"demo" classical pieces).

10 years later I found a CD issue of those same recordings and it was terrible..the orchestra sounded
like a high school band, badly miked.

We were using DBX for noise reduction on cartridges at CHFI in the late 70s, and it actually worked
well..our entire (pop) music universe was on carts. From analogue LPs.


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