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Re: [ARSCLIST] Non-RIAA preamp

----- Original Message ----- 
From: <Mwcpc6@xxxxxxx>
> The question is, are there any analog recordings with coherent enough
> response to make it worth being concerned with the phase response of
> equalizers?  Golden ears may hear differences, but would it be any more
> accurate relative to the original source?
Oddly enough, I suspect there may be...based on a rather odd turn of
experience! About 20-odd years ago, I had a Heathkit receiver...forget the
model. Anyway, it had been written up in audio magazines as probably the
best receiver then available...and it had (I think only in FM stereo mode)
a "Phase" control which could be used to put the two stereo channels in
correct phase (a problem so far not mentioned in this thread).

All I know is (was) that the control had a very noticeable effect on
the sound!

Steven C. Barr

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