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Re: [ARSCLIST] E.Power Biggs was Request for info: Columbia Studio/Warehouse Fire

many E.Power Biggs recordings are on Columbia/Sony budget cd's - don't know which ones you seek which haven't been reissued?
http://www.cduniverse.com/classical.asp?style=classical&exact=y&ctype=perf&prodcount=0&sf=Biggs%2C+E.+Power&cart=399817356 <http://www.cduniverse.com/classical.asp?style=classical&exact=y&ctype=perf&prodcount=0&sf=Biggs%2C+E%2E+Power&cart=399817356>

Tom Fine wrote:

Hi Charles:

The problem may be the same problem with more than a few jazz albums I'd love to see back in print -- if there's not quite a large market (demand), it's not worth the time of a megaglomerate to care. They're not viable small-scale. You may get some satisfaction in coming years because Sony and BMG merged their music divisions and the BMG folks seem more oriented toward classical material. One suggestion about the Biggs stuff would be to track down the person who does classical reissues for the USA market and find out if they're aware of the history there. As for the electronic music stuff, I would suggest you contact Wendy Carlos and ask her which 3rd party labels might be interested. I know Sony and now BMG don't seem to have issues licensing stuff for 3rd party labels. I don't know if they have somewhat onerous minimum-sales demands like Universal.

-- Tom Fine

----- Original Message ----- From: "Charles Lawson" <clawson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: <ARSCLIST@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Monday, September 25, 2006 10:55 AM
Subject: Re: [ARSCLIST] Request for info: Columbia Studio/Warehouse Fire

Thank you for follow-ups, folks.

So, I am now given to understand that there was no "big Columbia fire" in
the late 70s or early 80s that would be responsible for some 70s material
now being unavailable for re-release? My prior info. came from people who
knew people who should have been in a position to know about this but who
are now deceased.

Some of the material I am thinking about includes some E. Power Biggs +
Columbia Brass Ensemble recordings, premiere recordings of Hovhaness
works, Moog synthesizer discs, etc. etc. Some of the stuff which was
stored privately seems to be available, but there's a big hole right in
the historical region I am examining. There must be some other reason (if
not a warehouse fire/flood) that is keeping this content off the streets.
I know that there is still a market for Hovhaness, for example...

Anyway, any further information would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks, again.


Charles Lawson <clawson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Professional Audio for CD, DVD, Broadcast & Internet

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