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Re: [ARSCLIST] CD versus Download was "All hail the analogue revolution..."

In a message dated 9/25/2006 8:34:49 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 
tflists@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx writes:

I hate to say this, but I think 5" commercially-produced discs (audio and 
video) have a ticking 
clock. Maybe 10 years, plus/minus a few years. I really do hate to say this, 
by the way, because I 
still prefer listening attentively in a chair over big speakers with a CD in 
the player (or a really 
good LP or tape). And I prefer to watch movies on a big video screen with 5 
channels of sound from a 
DVD. Judging from where download-only quality has been thusfar, I am not 
confident the future 
releases will be high resolution enough to afford my enjoyments.

Some parts of the world already have ten times the Internet bandwidth than is 
commonly available in the US. It won't be ten years before higher quality 
will be a low cost added value for marketing downloads. 

Of course cell phone screens and ear buds put a limit on the usefulness of 
quality improvements for some markets, but there will still be a home 
entertainment market.

Mike Csontos

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