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Re: [ARSCLIST] CD versus Download was "All hail the analogue revolution..."

Tom Fine wrote:
Hi Steven:

I think you should do some research. The record industry is completely youth oriented and baby boomers do not buy the bulk of the products.

May I suggest that the issue is not majority opinion but sufficient interest. That is, modern marketing is to the world not to the neighborhood. When one needed to find customers within walking distance of a shop, percentage interest was paramount. Even today, the major corporations in any field are concerned about market share.

But when distribution costs are modest and interest is intense among a few, a business can do very well indeed with a tiny fraction of the world market. So EMI or Sony/BMG may turn up its corporate nose at the market for a niche product, but a specialist publisher may thrive with the same customer base.

My primary interest in music is classical vocal. The industry players offer nothing at all to me - Andrea Boccelli and Renee Fleming are darlings of their product lines and neither has a significant place in my collection. The relatively few recordings I buy come from labels the majors do not know at all, such as Opera Rara and Andante (recently and deservedly defunct). The market leader in classical recordings is a label known to very few of the 'youth', Naxos.


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