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[ARSCLIST] Programmable varispeed question

Hello all,

I'm new to the list, so please forgive me if this is a common topic of discussion. I've searched the archives, but I can't find an exact answer to this. I hope someone might be able to help.

What I need to do is varispeed a recording I have, and that varispeed needs to change gradually throughout the 5 minute piece. I think the recording was made on something which was changing speed as it recorded.

So I want the speed of the music to change as well as the pitch, i.e. I'm not looking for a system which maintains the speed while pitch shifting.

The file is already on a CD. So I'd be looking to perform this correction on a PC (preferably) or Mac (but only if I can borrow one.)

Ideally, I need something which I can set relative speed values into, and the system will gradually ramp between them to restore a constant speed and pitch. Is there any program which will allow me to play back this music with, for example, a +3% speed at the start, slowing down to -1% at 4 mins, and then finally -2% at 5 mins?

Thanks for your help,

Henry Clark

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