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[ARSCLIST] More open reel supplies questions

Does anyone know of a vendor for 3M #67 splicing tape (1/4") that doesn't require purchases in huge quantities?

Alternately, does anyone have experience with the product that US Recording sells as "archival" quality splicing tape at http://www.usrecordingmedia.com/usrprstsptaf.html ?

Also, could anyone recommend a vendor for acid free 1/4 " paper leader?

Thanks again for all the responses to my first inquiry, and in advance for this one. Feel free to reply on- or off- list as you see fit.


Christie Peterson
Project Archivist, Muskie Archives & Special Collections
Bates College
70 Campus Avenue
Lewiston, ME 04240-6018
(t) 207-753-6918
(f) 207-755-5911

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