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Re: [ARSCLIST] Warsaw Concerto / STINSON SLP 38 / SCHWANN Catalog

I doubt if any among us is so specialized that there is no music in
another genre which appeals. I don't know jazz, but don't take away Ella
at the Opera House.

It's not that anyone is suggesting that movie music - or the Warsaw
Concerto - is 'bad' or beneath contempt, just that it should not be and
usually is not categorized as "classical".

As with most such labelling, the margins are not well defined. Some
consider Rhapsody in Blue classical, some jazz, some put it into another
slot. Don't matter none: I like it regardless of the label and I file it
in my classical recordings.


I certainly was not suggesting that movie music is bad. I also placed the Warsaw Concerto in my classical file for many years, until, through an accident of Googling, I discovered the WC was movie music. The switch from "Dangerous Moonlight" to "Suicide Sqaudron" is fascinating. I also like the Meditation from Thais, both violin and piano.

Frank B Strauss, DMD

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