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[ARSCLIST] Fwd: [ARSCLIST] Thirties Stereo

  I apolgize because I have not looked at the web address given for this, but 
I can attest that what what Steve Smolian mentioned as issued by Symposium 
was indeed the Beecham. Mozart 41 with the LPO from circa 1933, if I recall. I 
know because I bought the Symposium vinyl 78 repressings to which Steve 
referred and looked at them a few months ago.

  They are essentially useless for those of us who are not technology types 
because the grooves are cut in Alan Blumlein's stereo system, which requires 
specialized playback equipment. The Symposium repressings (three sides, perhaps) 
came with at least two pages of detailed technical information detailing 
about how a system had to be built to play the records back in stereo. Complete 
with electrical diagrams. I was, and remain, baffled and intimidated. I've put 
the records and text away as neat collector's (and Beecham collector's) 

  Anthony Griffith transferred some of the material in stereo in his large 
Beecham Centennial anthology for World Record Club in 1979 and that's how I know 

  Don Tait

  P.S. I'm sure everyone on this list knows that Anthony Griffith passed away 
a few months ago. He was in his early nineties, I think. He was an 
extraordinary man in every way and I for one feel greatly in his debt.

On 15/10/06, Steven Smolian wrote:
> The record was issued by Symposium, pressed from masters.

Which record? The Beecham?
>> Interesting thread on the Classical message board of BBC 3:
>> http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/mbradio3/F2620064?thread=3571327

Don Cox

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