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Re: [ARSCLIST] Recommended CD-R's (and risks associated with their use)

Sorry for re-iterating, but if you've read the UNESCO paper several postings have already pointed to:

"Risks Associated with the Use of Recordable CDs and DVDs as Reliable Storage Media in Archival Collections - Strategies and Alternatives", by Kevin Bradley (can be downloaded from http://portal.unesco.org/ci/en, search for the title)

you would realise that there is no good CD-R's without a good CD-R burner. And contrary to disks, burners don't have any standards to comply with as long as they burn disks. To establish some sort of baseline for burners , they have to be individually calibrated against a known entity, and such known entities cost a lot of money. Burned disks also need to be measured for error levels, since a low level from the start means a longer life expectancy.

Hence, to summarise the paper - if you can't afford to have your burner calibrated, you can't afford long term storage on optical disks (access copies is a whole different matter).

Tommy Sjöberg
Centre for Swedish Folk Music and Jazz Research
Stockholm, Sweden

Among archivists (whose main concern is long-term survivability), Mitisui (MAM-A) Gold CDs are generally preferred, if not standard. They're usually used as a back-up to a hard drive system, and best practice dictates to store them something like 50 miles away from the hard drive. I recently bought a ton, and I found that (a) prices vary a lot, so shop around, both among 'archival' supply companies and audio suppliers; and (b) it pays to buy un-boxed, and purchase jewel cases separately (incidentally, full-size jewel cases are also often preferred for long-term storage; stay away from the slim cases, and most sleeves).

And, as people have said, nix on the paper labels if your major concern is longevity.


Christie Peterson

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