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[ARSCLIST] AD converter vs. Outboard Digital recorders

I have been following the discussion of the advantage AD converters have over PC sound cards and get the gist of what it is about, albeit from my non-audio-engineer background. Due to issues more related to the layout of my apartment than anything else, I have been recording from analog tapes and discs to a Marantz PMD 670 and then plugging the memory card into a USB reader attached to my PC where I listen to and/or edit the files.

I have now shifted things around so that it would be possible to record directly on the PC and eliminate the Marantz, but I am not sure that this would be an improvement over my current arrangement. Is there anyone that would like to comment on what might be the pros and cons of this approach vis a vis connecting the playback to a decent AD converter and on to the PC?


Peter Hirsch

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