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Re: [ARSCLIST] archival audio record jackets

Hi Connie,

We used shield pack sleeves for quite some time, but they are no
longer being made.

We have started using the sleeves from Kurt Nauck on the theory that 
all modern papers are very low acid already when compared to  paper
made 10 or more years ago. The stock is very stout and provides a high
level of protection for both shellac and acetate discs.  

I use them myself as well for my 16 inch discs- not to mention other


Bob Hodge

Robert Hodge,
Senior Engineer
Belfer Audio Archive
Syracuse University
222 Waverly Ave .
Syracuse N.Y. 13244-2010

315-443- 7971

>>> business_media@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 11/20/2006 1:37 PM >>>
Hi. I hope someone could let me know where I could get Archival record
jackets, especially to replace the very acidic 78 rpm and 16"
disks. The only catalog I have is from Conservation Resources
Any other ideas? Thanks.

Constance L. Jones

Project Manager

Business & Media Archives of the Mahoning Valley

A Division of The Mahoning Valley Historical Society

(330) 744-7621


www.mahoninghistory.org <http://www.mahoninghistory.org/> 


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