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Re: [ARSCLIST] Red glass disc, was National Recorded Sound Preservation Study

Several companies made these.This guy is a nut to think he'd ever get more than $20-25 on a good day for it.These are not that easy to play.I have one,taken from a Toscanini broadcast,that I bought as a novelty.I paid seven whole dollars for mine,back in '95,or so.I bought it from one of those "Rarissima" "yard sale" lists Dave at Ars Antiqua used to put out.And considering all of the very choice, legitimate EMI,RCA,and Columbia acetates I got from him,from these lists,including some experimental Lp issues from 1940-42,this glass record isn't even one of the better ones.

BTW,has anyone ever done a history of the home record recording era ? This would make for very interesting reading,and other than some sketchy knowledge of Wilcox-Gay,I know nothing about these companies.

                           Roger Kulp

George Brock-Nannestad <pattac@xxxxxxxx> wrote: From: Patent Tactics, George Brock-Nannestad

David Lennick commented:

> George Brock-Nannestad wrote:
> > From: Patent Tactics, George Brock-Nannestad
> >
> > Mike Csontos wrote:
> >   
> >> http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=220052969829
> >>
> >> Any information on the "The Music Shop" operation or the reason this type
> of
> >> record would have been made?
> >>     
> > .............................

. I don't know enough about US history, but it seems that there
> > must be a printed collection of Franklin Roosevelt's broadcast speeches,
> from 
> > which the yellow parts have been recorded.
> > .............................
> >
> > Kind regards,
> >
> >
> > George
> >
> >   
> I'll gladly stand corrected, but as far as I know glass discs weren't 
> put into use in the US until after Pearl Harbor.
> So this will probably be a dub made well after the original broadcast. 
> It would be interesting to know if there is dialog missing during the 
> flip..if there is, then it's an original recorded off the air. 

----- there is very much monologue missing, and it is apparently with a 
purpose, i.e. editing. I concluded this, because on the e-Bay presentation, 
the whole broadcast was quoted, with the disc parts given in yellow.

> Music Shop" looks like a store brand of blank discs. I've never seen a 
> glass base disc with translucent lacquer like this, although I've seen 
> clear ones! ("Clear-O".)

----- I have only ever seen red ones, never water clear. The color and 
transparency was so confusing to a recent graduate from one of our 
institutions of higher learning (and to the external reviewers!) that it went 
completely un-noticed when he claimed that heavy, red, transparent records 
were made of solid shellac (which is always only present as a binder, 
amounting about 20% of a shellac disc). Some students and purported 
specialists are without any sense of history.

Kind regards,


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