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Re: [ARSCLIST] Fwd: [ARSCLIST] Dating LPs ?

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "D. Blake Werts" <bwerts@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> I do understand that there is a smattering of information here and there
> with regards to classical LPs.  And I have a couple of the guides that you
> reference with respect to microgroove LPs and I have not found "release
> dates" for the discs themselves.
> Maybe I'm still too naive:  my goal is to be able to have all of this
> information in a single, consistent, reliable, searchable database.

1) Create a database (MS Access works well) with a set of tables...one
for each numeric series on each label.

2) The table format should be as follows 
(tables will be <label>01 up to <label><max#>
    NUMBER    see note below
    YEAR      Integer
    MONTH     Integer
(NOTE: to make numbers sort properly, use three fields: NPFX(text),
NUM(integer), NSFX(text)...so KSM-30544-ST is broken up into three
entries, and a query sorts the three in order (thus KSL's all come
before KSM's regardless of number, and KSM-30544-QD sorts before
the example entry...).

3) Complete data records as you find data...you can decide whether
to use Monthly, Bi-yearly (like my Dating Guide) or a different
system after looking at data found and table sizes.

4) Having completed as many tables as necessary/possible, the
data can now be converted to HTML, exported to Excel or MS Word,
or whatever...

Steven C. Barr

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