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[ARSCLIST] Job Openings and Internships

Safe Sound Archive is a leading provider of audio preservation
digitization services, including reformatting, conservation, restoration
and climate-controlled storage.  We have the following positions open. 
Contact us for more information about these positions.  Send a cover
letter, resume, and three references (with contact information). 
Applications will be accepted through March 1, 2007 or until filled.  If
you wish to apply after March 1, please contact us to confirm the
position is still open.  


Preservation Administrator Responsibilities:  oversight of preservation
practices, maintenance of Disaster Plan, IPM, environmental monitoring;
project planning for preservation reformatting, proposal writing;
project management.  Opportunity to work in preservation studios, though
not expected except to gain knowledge of methods.   Requirements: 
graduate degree in archives/preservation or equivalent experience.
Reports directly to the owner (George Blood).  

Reformatting Audio Engineer (2 positions) Responsibilities: 
reformatting (digitization) of archival audio materials.  Works in
collaborative environment under supervision of Studio Manager and
Preservation Administrator; working with and training assistant
engineers. Requirements:  prior experience with care and handling of
obsolete or deteriorating media, or commensurate audio experience.
Reports to Studio Manager.  

Assistant Engineer Responsibilities:  ?finishing? deliverables of
digitized files (burning media, labeling, duplication).  Works in
collaborative environment under supervision of Studio Manager and
Preservation Administrator, and receive training from senior engineers.
Requirements: This is an entry-level position.  Candidates are unlikely
to have appropriate audio archival experience (training is part of the
job) so should not be discouraged from applying. 
Reports to Studio Manager.  

Quality Control Specialist Responsibilities:  verification of digitized
audio materials.  Works in collaborative environment under supervision
of the owner and Quality Control Manager. Requirements:  obsessive
attention to detail; prior experience in archival/library/museum
environment preferred. QC department reports directly to the owner.  

Audio Maintenance Technician Responsibilities:  keeping all this old
stuff running in peak form. 
Reports to Studio Manager.  

INTERNSHIPS:  We are again offering two 6-week summer internships for
college and graduate students interested in pursuing or learning more
about audio archives.  Each internship includes a $2,500.00 stipend. 
Internships at Safe Sound Archive are project-based, i.e. we and the
intern agree upon the focus of the internship, its goals, and
expectations.  Provide the following:  resume; three references; cover
letter discussing your desired project, goals, and how the internship
fits into your professional education.  Submit inquiries and materials
to:  jill@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx or the numbers above.

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