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Re: [ARSCLIST] Szell on MAR Was:Bernstein info needed

Lani Spahr wrote:
----- Original Message ----
From: Roger and Allison Kulp thorenstd124@xxxxxxxxx

Anybody know why Szell did so many unique recordings for them ?

One reason, according to the Rosenberg book, is that Szell wanted to get more income for his players. Salaries and season length for the CO, at that time, were not on a par with the other big orchestras, and to keep players from seeking higher wages elsewhere he took the contracts offered from BOM.

BTW, MAR = Music Appreciation Records. S=stereo.

Lani Spahr

BOMC has done a lot of interesting stuff over the years. They also had an opera series, in collaboration with the Met. Lots of stuff conducted by Fausto Cleva but also a couple with Mitropoulos.

But don't make me sit through Thomas Scherman's lectures. Once was bad enough (I don't remember if I managed to stay awake or keep from doodling during any of them).


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