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Re: [ARSCLIST] STADIUM SYMPHONY was Szell on MAR Was:Bernstein

Makes sense..the Philadelphia Orchestra recorded as the Robin Hood Dell Orchestra of Philadelphia. It also recorded as the Victor Symphony Orchestra, but that's another story.


Larry Friedman wrote:
Lewisohn Stadium, no? Didn't the NYPhil. play there in summer?

-----Original Message-----
From: Association for Recorded Sound Discussion List
On Behalf Of Roger and Allison Kulp
Sent: Saturday, February 03, 2007 10:06 PM
To: ARSCLIST@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [ARSCLIST] STADIUM SYMPHONY was Szell on MAR Was:Bernstein

I also have a couple of Columbias from the 50s that use this name.Here's a
what is the origin of the name "Stadium Symphony",and why was it used?

Roger Kulp

Eric Goldberg <ericgoldie@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote: I have several MAR recordings
which list the Stadium Symphony

I know that Everest used this as a pseudonym for the New York
Philharmonic. However, beside Bernstein recordings I have

Thomas Sherman conducting Beethoven's "emperor Concerto" with the
Stadium SO. In his case, as well as the Music Appreciation SO, I
suspect that it is realy the Little Orchestra

Max Rudolf Also recorded Schubert's Unfinished Sym with the SSO.

I also suspect that Wallenstein and the Music Appreciation SO, is in
fact the Los Angeles Philharmonic.

Corrections of Confirmations are welcome.

Eric Goldberg

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