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[ARSCLIST] ARSC Members win Grammy for "Lost Sounds" and on EDison's 160th Birthday!

Congrats go out to Tim Brooks, Dave Giovanonni Richard Martin and Megan  
Hennesey for wining the Grammy last night for the CD "Lost Sounds" in the Best  
Historical Album Category!  I know they were at the ceremony in LA last  night - 
though not on TV where they only show 22 of the 90 category  winners.
It is a great CD as well as an important historical document!
Here's the list of Nominees and Winners in the category:
Category 89
Best Historical Album  
Lost Sounds: Blacks And The  Birth Of The Recording Industry 1891-1922
Meagan Hennessey &  Richard Martin, compilation producers; Tim Brooks, David 
Giovannoni &  Richard Martin, mastering engineers (Various Artists)
[Archeophone  Records] 
OTHER NOMINEES in  Category!  
    *   Good For What Ails You: Music Of The Medicine Shows,  1926-1937
Marshall Wyatt, compilation producer; Christopher King  & Robert Vosgien, 
mastering engineers (Various Artists)
[Old Hat  Records] 

    *   One Kiss Can Lead To Another: Girl Group Sounds Lost &  Found
Sheryl Farber & Gary Stewart, compilation producers; Dan  Hersch, Bill Inglot 
& Dave Schultz, mastering engineers (Various  Artists)
[Rhino Entertainment] 

    *   Poetry On Record: 98 Poets Read Their Work  (1888-2006)
Rebekah Presson Mosby, compilation producer; Randy  Perry, mastering engineer 
(Various Artists)
[Shout! Factory] 

    *   Rockin' Bones: 1950's Punk & Rockabilly
James Austin  & Cheryl Pawelski, compilation producers; Bill Inglot & Dave 
Schultz,  mastering engineers (Various Artists)
[Rhino Entertainment]  

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