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Re: [ARSCLIST] They're still making vinyl

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "phillip holmes" <insuranceman@xxxxxxxxxx>
> I prefer musicdirect for price, but both seem to offer good service.  
> Both are actively involved in their own reissue efforts (musicdirect 
> owns Mobile Fidelity, if I remember correctly).  Tom, you know I'm one 
> of those guys with the $5,000 vinyl front end and $500 CD setup.  I'm 
> guilty of not giving equal effort to the format, but since I have WAY 
> more records and don't want to spend that much converting to digital, 
> I'd rather max out my record listening experience.  That, and I can't 
> afford to spend any more money on equipment.  I prefer vinyl for the 
> very high frequencies (I wish SACD and DVDA had made it).  I don't like 
> Classic Records reissues most of the time.  They're too bright for my 
> tastes and usually brighter than the original.  I prefer the mastering 
> approach by Stan Ricker and Steve Hoffman--better bass, better surfaces, 
> better maintained and alligned equipment, upgraded amps and mastering 
> chain, but a record that still sounds like a much better version of the 
> original.  Kind of like those great sounding white label promos and test 
> pressings--first stampers, better vinyl, the best mastering engineer 
> available to the label.
Well, like many 78-ophiles, I tend to regard vinyl microgroove discs
as a sort of johnny-come-lately new-fangled version of actual "records!"

Steven C. Barr

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