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Re: [ARSCLIST] Copyright and typefaces

Don Cox wrote:
On 24/03/07, Steven C. Barr(x) wrote:

Since the PostScript file can be edited with a text editor, one could
easily change the notice to assert rights of the person who created
it - but is that legal? I wonder whether the original assertion is

Well...your copyright applies ONLY to the font (i.e. the shape and
design of the characters). Any information you make available over the
internet or on some digital storage medium is NOT copyrighted... but,
should someone make that same data available using your copyrighted
font, it is the LETTERS/NUMBERS/USW. that are violating copyright...
NOT the information itself!

In most countries, the design of a font cannot be copyrighted, but the code to produce it _is_ copyright.

I rarely re-enter a thread, but want to confirm that Don Cox is correct here, at least for the U.S. It is quite legal to duplicate a copyrighted font by scanning in samples and re-creating the code (which will, of course, differ to some extent from the original). I have done something akin to that when I found an 'old time' font which needed some changes to serve for a specific task.

The process seems to me parallel to that of "sampling" audio, but the legal situation is quite different. (So, perhaps, we are not as far off topic as I had thought.)


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