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Re: [ARSCLIST] Hard disk drives and DAT/ calculating the future

From: Patent Tactics, George Brock-Nannestad

Eric Jacobs was the first to comment:

"I'd be surprised that no one has ever thought of working through
these different scenarios with a detailed cost model in order to
determine storage strategy and policy at some institution."

An attempt at just that has been made:


Prestospace is an organization well worth watching and observing.

Kind regards,


> Ah, the one thing you can absolutely count on is change.
> All you can do is make assumptions, test those assumptions with those 
> who are experts in their respective fields, and look at the past to see
> what you can learn about the future.  As they say, the more things 
> change, the more they stay the same.
> I think a Gordon Moore-ish model for data density is not unreasonable,
> independent of the technology used to achieve it.  That's the one thing
> you can count on - memory and CPU power have followed these patterns for
> decades now.
> As you point out, it is important to account for format migration and
> data corruption (and data recovery, and the cost of redundancy, etc.).
> The good news is that all of this doesn't have to be left to sales people
> as you suggest!  Risk assessment is a well-established and successful
> science (whether for business, investments, health, insurance, etc.). 
> It's the science of calculated risk.   Applying actuarial methods (or
> operations research) to the problem of data storage is quite feasible.  
> You can't reduce your risk to zero, but you can make the risks acceptable,
> or at least apprehendable.
> And where data is scarce, take what you know and build in what's known
> as a "safety factor" by adjusting the numbers for extra conservatism
> and build a plan around that.
> Although not easy, it can be done.  If you don't take your best guess
> at the future, you have a roadmap to nowhere.
> Eric Jacobs
> Principal
> The Audio Archive
> tel: 408.221.2128
> fax: 408.549.9867
> mailto:EricJ@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Andes, Donald [mailto:Donald.Andes@xxxxxxxxxx]
> Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2007 6:04 PM
> To: EricJ@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx; ARSCLIST@xxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: RE: [ARSCLIST] Hard disk drives and DAT/ calculating the future
> <snip>
> There are MANY other concerns which most who haven't already delved into
> the issue are completely unaware of?
> i.e. File Format migration, Hard Drive Formating incompatibilities, Data
> Corruption 
> In probably 10 years we will be into new technology which is only in a
> fringe state now such as Flash Hard Drives, speculating 50 or 100 years
> out, is like trying to predict the Automobile, the Airplane, the
> MicroChip, the PC, and the Internet, all while living in 1900.
> Strangely, men at this time, armed with computers appear to believe that
> we can do just that.
> However, all things in perspective, the world is changing faster than it
> ever has, and will be changing even more quickly as we race into the
> future. I believe predicting the future is best left to salesmen.
> Don Andes
> EMI Music
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Association for Recorded Sound Discussion List
> [mailto:ARSCLIST@xxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Eric Jacobs
> Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2007 5:27 PM
> To: ARSCLIST@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: Re: [ARSCLIST] Hard disk drives and DAT
> I've been following this thread closely, and think a valuable exercise
> would be to create detailed cost models for different storage scenarios.
> Scenarios might include:
>    - Hard disk on a shelf
>    - Optical media (gold CD-R, DVD-R, Blue Ray)
>    - Managed storage (mirrored on-line storage, tape back-up)
> Common to each storage scenario:
>    - Model three different size collections (1 TB, 10 TB, 50 TB)
>    - Model a 50-year or 100-year life cycle
>    - Make reasonable assumptions for media checking, refreshing,
>      migration, and physical storage
>    - Make assumptions about density and technology evolution 
>      (Moore's law-ish)
> Maybe there are other storage scenarios to be considered, and other
> details to be considered, but you get the idea.  If I were an IT expert,
> I'd crunch these cost models myself.
> The ideal scenario will simply be the one with the lowest total cost,
> since data integrity, migration, short-term and long-term costs will all
> be accounted for, and the end goal (reliable long-term storage of data)
> will be the same for each scenario.
> I think all scenarios are viable - even the hard disk on the shelf (so
> long as you have redundancy, check the integrity of the drive and the
> data at some scheduled interval, and have a budget to deal with drive
> failure and data recovery as needed, and refresh the hardware at some
> reasonable interval).
> I expect that different storage scenarios will be appropriate for
> different collection sizes (1 vs 10 vs 50 TB).
> To me, this seems like a pretty logical approach to the problem of
> storage of digital assets for preservation.  As a collection grows,
> different storage scenarios will make sense.  The question for many is
> what storage scenario do you start with, and at what point do you
> transition to the next level storage scenario.  In the end, it's all
> cost driven (again, we're assuming that we drive each scenario to
> equivalent levels of reliability through redundancy or other means).
> I'd be surprised that no one has ever thought of working through these
> different scenarios with a detailed cost model in order to determine
> storage strategy and policy at some institution.
> It's not rocket science, and the answer should be fairly straight-
> forward I would think once you've captured all the costs and reliability
> aspects (just because it's straight-forward doesn't mean that it's
> easy!).
> So, does anyone know of an existing cost-based study of long-term data
> storage for several different scenarios AND several different size
> collections?  If not, I may need to sharpen my pencil...
> Eric Jacobs
> Principal
> The Audio Archive
> tel: 408.221.2128
> fax: 408.549.9867
> mailto:EricJ@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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