Roger and Allison Kulp wrote:
There are also some fun film strip records made for school use in the 60s.I have a cool one on
The Solar System,by none other than Ken Nordine.
Since there's a current thread here on the Met, it may be worth mentioning that they used to lend
filmstrips of opera to schools. A few years ago, they decided to clean them out and offered them
without charge. They replied to my note that they had rights only for use as filmstrips and that
they were giving them away only to teachers.
While I did not qualify, I had managed to obtain a half dozen with the idea of CD-ROM slide shows
with recordings - not for distribution since rights would be unobtainable, but as a demonstration.
Unfortunately, the filmstrips had been mishandled so badly that I abandoned the project.
Whether there are archival copies somewhere, I cannot guess. Since these were of productions
otherwise unrecorded visually, I hope they're protected - but I'm not prepared to make bets.