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Re: [ARSCLIST] Sounds of Slavery

On 27/04/07, Bob Olhsson wrote:

>> From Bertram Lyons: "...Did unknown individuals make attempts to
>> capture the
> sounds of slaves previously to the 1930s?..."
> There obviously had been no slaves for decades when the phonograph was
> invented 

The Civil War ended in 1865 and Edison invented his phonograph in 1877,
so not many decades.

> so it really comes down to how one chooses to define "the
> sounds of slaves." Early recordings were generally a commercial
> venture 

As the phonograph was sold as a business tool for dictation, early
recordings were _not_ commercial.

> and it can be argued that most of what was recorded in the
> southeastern US is the music of students of former slaves and their
> children. There are answers at Fisk and the other traditionally black
> colleges and universities in the southeast that go beyond minstrel
> show stereotypes. I would hope that unprejudiced research happens
> sooner rather than later because many of the people who know the story
> handed down from their parents and grandparents are approaching the
> end of their life.
> I'm very offended that I've only begun to learn the real story of
> African American music at age 61 because of the pervasive racism found
> in most of the literature I've encountered about American music. I'm
> sorry if pointing this out steps on toes but to say nothing only
> perpetuates racial stereotypes and disenfranchises all Americans from
> arguably our most significant cultural accomplishment.
> Bob Olhsson Audio Mastery, Nashville TN
> Mastering, Audio for Picture, Mix Evaluation and Quality Control
> Over 40 years making people sound better than they ever imagined!
> 615.385.8051 http://www.hyperback.com
Don Cox

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