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[ARSCLIST] The Story with Dick Gordon

I recently received a CDR of a 30-minute interview I did a couple of months 
ago for "The Story with Dick Gordon" on public radio, about Lost Sounds: Blacks 
and the Birth of the Recording Industry (the CD).  Other than a howler in the 
opening set-up (something about Mamie Smith selling "a million copies" of her 
"album" "Crazy Blues" in 1920) Gordon seems to stay somewhere in the general 
vicinity of the facts, which I've found is the best you can hope for in these 
sorts of situations.  (I can never remember what brown wax cylinders are 
actually made of, however, so I can't vouch for that statement--maybe Mike Biel 
He did ask some intelligent questions and explored some interesting areas 
though, and I was able to include stories like that of Dick Spottswood finding 
the (first) Cousins & DeMoss Berliner when a group of us went junking in 
There's also an interesting (and unrelated) story at the end about a WWII 
veteran who took his Army jacket to the cleaners in 1961 and didn't get it back 
until thirty years later, when it was delivered to his house with a bill for 85 
cents for cleaning.  Unfortunately it no longer fit.
The show's at _www.thestory.org_ (http://www.thestory.org)  if anyone is 
interested in doing a little fact-checking.  (You go to past shows and click on 
March 28, 2007).  I'd be interested in any feedback.

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