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Re: [ARSCLIST] Urgent Message From SaveNetRadio

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Bob Olhsson" <olh@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> -----Original Message-----
> >From Don Cox: "...I think there are far more live concerts of all kinds
> today than there
> were 100 years ago..."
> Medium and large city newspaper archives reveal a dramatic decrease in the
> amount of live music available compared with the past. Stadium and arena
> concerts are also a pretty poor excuse for a live music experience.
This depends on a number of things!

As far as classical music...I would guess that the number has either
remained the same, or increased slightly...after a dramatic increase
a few decades ago, as suburban communities became large enough to both
support and provide a classical orchestra.

Popular music (including blues, c&w, usw...)...appearance by "name"
groups probably increasing, but lower-level appearances by "not-yet-
known" groups DEcreasing! Finally, appearances by "unknown rock bands
(any variety)" remaining the same, or decreasing slightly...since most
such bands will play for "SFA," or even pay to play...!

What has "gone missing" is/are the appearances by/for groups that aren't
totally unknown...yet aren't widely known! These paid (used to) about
$300/400...and drew crowds which made them profitable at that price!

These days...at least here in Ontario...anti-smoking by-laws, as well as
increased enforcement of "drink and drive" laws, have essentially eliminated
that sector of the "live music" industry!

Steven C. Barr
(CMFIC of "Steven C and the Red Rockets"...)

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