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Re: [ARSCLIST] extracting audio from 32kHz 12bit DAT tapes digitally

Dear David,  

In addition to the metadata sited, is there any error monitoring or reporting provided by this method of audio extraction?

Thank you,

-----Original Message-----
From: Dave Rice [mailto:dave@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Thursday, July 19, 2007 11:08 AM
Subject: Re: extracting audio from 32kHz 12bit DAT tapes digitally

Another big advantage to using a DDS drive (I have a Sony SDT 9000)  
is that you can pull out the metadata. Read_DAT gives me files per  
track that look like this:

Sampling frequency: 32000
Channels: 2
Samples: 4523520
Quantization: 12-bit non-linear
Emphasis: none
Program_number: --
First date: Fri Mar 31 12:50:35 1995
Last date: Fri Mar 31 12:52:56 1995
First frame: 2888
Last frame: 5243

The recording date info is very valuable.
There is an old webpage here http://homepage.ntlworld.com/ 
adrian.rixon/personal/ade/dat-dds/software.html that outlines some of  
the software options. It lists vDAT for Windows. I haven't tried it.
Also I originally gave up on DATXtract for Mac because it couldn't  
handle a 32kHz extract, the developer wrote me back with a 32kHz  
update that he hadn't made public.

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