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Re: [ARSCLIST] ASCAP follows RIAA down the road guaranteed not to make friends

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "David Lennick" <dlennick@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
> > How much public domain music is there?
> > 
> In the US, any song published before 1924.
BUT (and this is all to often confused...!) this ONLY applies to the
composer/publisher royalties applicable to a given (published and
presumably in sheet music...!) song...which means that you don't owe
HFA or CMMRRA SFA! HOWEVER...you still can't reissue that 1923 tune
in its original form...at least not between the 49th parallel and
the Rio Grande River...as a SOUND RECORDING!

Whereas, up here in Soviet Canuckistan, I can legally reissue any
sound recording "fixed" on or before 12/31/1956...but I still owe
CMRRA their cut!

Steven C. Barr

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