--- Tom Fine <tflists@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I wonder if either of these HD formats will catch on near-term. I
predict a major outrage and
perhaps outright rebellion among "da folks" when NTSC TV really
gets switched off.
I was hoping for HD-DVD to prevail, simply because it's
backed by Panasonic, and their DVD recorders also support
the DVD-RAM format, which is a magneto-optical disk that
promises much greater longevity than regular DVD-R disks.
So, I'm hoping we'll get higher-capacity DVD-RAM disks as
a result. A tenuous hope to hang your hat on, I'll admit.
Sure, everyone in
certain elite groups now has a flat-panel HD television, but most
of the rest of us don't and don't
want to spend thousands to replace the TV's in our house simply
because someone is hyping an allegedly better boob-tube.
My friends with big-screen HD sets have 720P models on which
the cable company's compression is very obvious, and half the
time they're watching NTSC pictures stretched out to fit the
16x9 aspect ratio of the screen. *That's* progress?!?
David Breneman david_breneman@xxxxxxxxx
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