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Re: [ARSCLIST] ARSC Conference Proposals Due Monday

Sam has reminded me that I have allowed this deadline to pass without putting in a proposal for a report on the recorded sound preservation study.
Actually, I wasn't ithinking about doing that at all!  But, I suppose Sam is right that it would be a good idea to do something about the study. I've told him I would not want it to be a free-standing presentation, but part of some larger panel, if possible. Otherwise, I suppose 20 minutes would be more than adequate.
What I really intended to do was to submit a proposal to you for a 40-45 minute talk that concerns the musical connection between Hoagy Carmichael and Bix.
Assuming that the door isn't entirely closed to still make application to you, could I submit proposals for both?  If you've a full slate of proposals already, I'll understand.
Chris and I enjoyed L.A. Will have to tell you about our adventures when next we see you...hopefully, sometime in October after you and Kathy come in from the turnpikes.
Robert L. Bamberger
Specialist in Energy Policy
Resources, Science and Industry Division
Congressional Research Service
Library of Congress
Washington, D.C. 20540-7450
p: 202-707-7240
f: 202-707-7289

>>> "David Giovannoni (ARSC)" <dgio-arsc@xxxxxxxxxxx> 09/04/07 8:00 AM >>>

Thanks to all who have submitted proposals for next year's annual conference at Stanford.  The breadth and depth of expertise among
our members never ceases to amaze.  We've got the foundations of some excellent sessions -- and we still have room for more!

Are you ready to add your presentation to this exciting lineup ?

Proposals for presentations are due on Monday, September 10th.

Please download the proposal form and guidelines from the ARSC website:


Then e-mail me off-list if you have questions or would like help formulating your ideas.

I look forward to seeing you -- and your presentation -- at Stanford.

    David Giovannoni
    Program Chair

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