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Re: [ARSCLIST] regurgitators

Steven C. Barr(x) wrote:
----- Original Message ----- From: "David Lennick" <dlennick@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Thought I might have found some when clearing my parents' house a few months
ago..not in the box where I put all sorts of other record catalogues, release
sheets etc. We subscribed to MTW in 1954 (I still have the Strauss
Waltzes/Bizet L'Arlesienne Suite) but I'm not seeing any paper as yet. We
didn't get too many of the releases ..most that I've found have been
second-hand or when tons of them were on sale at Sam The Record Man around
1961 > for 69 cents each.
Incidentally, I've also been going through old issues of High Fidelity (same
basement) and the September 1956 Music Makers column notes that "In midsummer,
[Concert Hall] and its affiliated mail-order clubs [were] bought out by the
Crowell-Collier Publishing Company; future plans, as a result, have been
somewhat dislocated. Until the change of ownership, Concert Hall's chief fall
program [centers] on its new series of binaural tape recordings."

The thing is, there MUST have been a publication of some sort which duly
announced newly-issued Canadian microgroove items... a sort of "Schwann's
North," as it were...?!

Steven C. Barr

There was, but I don't know how long it lasted. I have one issue of such a publication, courtesy of Sam's, in 1959. It actually lists Warner Brothers singles as being available on 78s, but I don't think this ever came to pass. Sam probably published it, so there might be a set at the UofT or in Ottawa. Richard, you lurking?


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