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[ARSCLIST] CBS Library of Quotations

At the Seattle Public Library sale tonight, I bought a 10-LP set called "The CBS Library of Contemporary Quotations" (Catalog No. P10 15320). It's a box of LPs that contain actuality audio tracks from famous people. The issue date appears to be 1980.

I've never seen or heard of this set before, and Google doesn't tell me anything useful.

Anybody know anything about this set?

The sale goes on Saturday and Sunday, in a hangar at Magnusson Park (Sand Point). Records are in a separate room, off to the side of the main space, behind the room with posters and audio books. Along with the usual pop junk, there were a bunch of quality classical material, including a fair number of boxed sets of organ music (Telefunken Bach sets among others) and some original Russian Melodya stuff.

John Ross

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