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Re: [ARSCLIST] Infinite digital storage

----- Original Message ----- From: "Schooley, John" <John.Schooley@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
I found this blog posting on "Freedom to Tinker" by Ed Felten.  He's a
Princeton computer science professor, and thought it might interest
readers of this list.

I don't know about infinite, I know "Moore's law" isn't really a law at
all and at some point the ceiling will be reached.  But the amount of
digital storage available is still sure to increase in ever-ridiculous
amounts.  The 80 gig ipod I bought last year has already been eclipsed
by one with nearly double the capacity.  What will we see in a decade?

Without reading your digital reference...note that hard-drive capacities have
reached (per ads I have seen!) one TERABYTE (1024^3 bytes)...!

However, as we digitize movies (including their soundtracks...!) it is easy to see
that we have needs for more storage and/or larger archives...anyone out there
want to hazard a guess of the size of "The complete archive of motion pictures,

Steven C. Barr
(A digital archive of EVERY known North American sound recording, in .WAV
format, would require four or five terabytes...a quantity which was inconceivable
a few years ago, but is now simple to assemble...?!)

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