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[ARSCLIST] Modern Cylinder Phonograph

Sorry if I did not answer before.
The server rejected many times my mail...

We were speaking about the problem concerning acoustic playback.

I think that if you record with the microphone into the horn you'll
capture all the inner horn reverberation.
The sound inside the horn is strongly compressed and its "evolution"
from the diaphragm to the horn end it's quite complex.
If you record into the horn many frequencies may not be at the right
volume or not audible at all.
Maybe recording in this way, due to the horn reverberation, may give a
sense ambience (as audiophiles call it) and make the recording
pleasant to be listen but I'm not shure it's correct.
I think that if you want the sound to be enriched by a natural reverb
(and not a reverb put in editing) it may be reasonable to record in a
good recording room.

Obviously if your goal is to reach less carrier stressing a
reproduction mgnetic pick up are the right choice. In this sense using
an insttrument like Archeophonemay be a excellent choice; my
observation were only few suggestion, maybe useful, if someone was
interested in acoustic

About contact less cylinder reproduction I know something has be done
yet by the Institute of  Information Recording Problems of National
Academy of Sciences of Ukraine which developed an optical system
(something similar to the Japanese laser turntable).
Here you are a link http://www.ipri.kiev.ua/eng/index.php
But I saw this topic was yet discussed in this list about 7 years ago!

About optical sound recognition: someone wrote about a software which
can reproduce sound after a scanning of a grooved surface or I'm
If I understood can you tell me about this topic?
Many thanks

Alessandro Bellafiore

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